The Seven Rays and Their Masters

The seven rays and their masters – another topic that has been confused by the channelers serving the etheric world as such was their job.

The initiator of modern theosophy, H. P. Blavatsky, struggled to prove the existence of the Great Masters of the world – the Masters of the Seven Rays, to the uncomprehending world. Their life on Earth and their work with the disciples was described by C. Antarova in her four-volume story “Two Lives”, which has become a seeker’s encyclopaedia in form of literary fiction. These Masters guided the initiators of Agni-Yoga, the Roerich family.

The topic of the seven rays was also revealed by the Ballard family, whose teaching was later continued by E.C. Profet and her husband, Mark. Unfortunately, after E.C. Profet’s illness and death a lot of confusion appeared in this teaching as well. Confusion can also be found in the texts of Alice Bailey, which now are even being interpreted in their own way.

At the turn of the millennium, with the increased activity of the etheric world, one might think that the Great Masters began talking to anyone who approached them. Can this be so? Is there no need for any preparation for meeting the pure Cosmic Fire that these Masters are? Are the digital texts flooding the space, supposedly signed by Great Teachers, truly the product of those Teachers?

These questions are answered in Anthropotheosophy Vol. I.

Ancient Hindu texts mention the seven Rishis, other traditions mention the seven Elohim, who helped God create the visible world. The number seven has been given special significance in all ages, faiths and mysteries. It repeats everywhere: the seven planets, the seven notes, the seven days of the week, the seven colours of the rainbow, man’s seven chakras, his seven bodies, the seven spheres, the seven races, the seven continents, etc.

This book explains the process of the splitting of the Essence of Faith, or the Light of Cosmic Consciousness. During this process different religions and directions of spiritual seeking were forming, which were expressions of the same seven-ray spectrum for a specific territory, a specific mentality, tradition and consciousness. Gradually, the rays took on humanly comprehensible forms, becoming deities. Each religion reflected the spirit of its era. While all religions have the same origins and eternal themes, the way they are conveyed are different. Hence the disagreements among people and even countries. They are unnecessary, because there is no dispute about the Faith: each one believes as they understand it…

That is why this book is about Faith and how it comes to people in the way they can best understand it. It explains the process of the rays descent. It should help you to find your own direction, which can only be felt by an opening heart. One of the directions is represented by many religions or other forms of faith. It is important to find your direction, because this will help you to feel the Way more firmly, to find Self and your place in life.

There is no pride in belonging to one ray or another. Understanding this belonging helps us find and live the theme of our lives. That is how life takes on new meaning and content. Life becomes conscious.

This book is useful for spiritual seekers of all directions, professors, teachers, philosophers, theosophists, scientists, psychologists, theologians and clergy, thoughtful artists and intellectuals.

It is useful for both believers and non-believers in what rational reason cannot yet prove. It is for those who think about questions of Being and Faith.

ASTRĖJA. Septyni spinduliai ir jų valdovai. Vilnius: Tiamata, [2009]. 293 p. ISBN 978-9955-31-027-3.

2nd revised ed. Vilnius: Tiamata, [2014]. 430 p. ISBN 978-9955-31-048-8.

Where to buy?

Astromineralogy Centre

(Pamėnkalnio str. 19, Vilnius)

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