The ancient scriptures are the wisdom behind the seven locks. It idepends on the inner quality of those who read and understand which lock is unlocked. The first lock is for the letter-recogniser, the second for the word-composer, and the third for the text-understander. And only from the fourth one does Knowledge of what is written there begin. Knowledge has nothing to do with dogma, because they are antipodes. So the dogma, having opened the second lock and beginning to open the third, claims to have found the Truth…
But dogma has always been the handmaiden of misunderstanding. It defends it. Anthropotheosophy is a key that can unlock many locks, whether you want to unlock ancient scriptures or other sacred texts. But it’s not enough to put the key in the lock. Passwords are required starting with the fourth lock. They are heard only by an open heart. It will not be converted without faith. It’s time to put some secrets into words. We will do this even though we know that what is said in words cannot remain untranslated by those who do not see the locks on our books, who think that the combination of words says it all.